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Bike sharing

VAIMOO @ Autonomy Paris 2022: the made in Italy e-bike sharing is present at the international sustainable mobility exhibition

The connected e-bike sharing solution adopted by the cities of Copenaghen, Rotterdam and  Stockholm, along with some of the major cities of the UK, exhibits in Paris the latest  solutions for urban mobility. 

VAIMOO, the Made in Italy connected e-bike sharing designed by Angel Company, which  develops high-tecnological solutions for railways, digital mechatronics and aerospace, returns  to Autonomy Paris, the major international exhibit dedicated to sustainable mobility which  takes place in Paris on March 16-17, 2022.  

During these two days, VAIMOO (Booth F-11) is going to present its e-bike sharing solutions  both docked (station-based) and hybrid (virtual stations). The solutions consist of electric  bikes and a management software with the latest updates in order to efficiently respond to  the growing necessities of urban mobility.  

Autonomy Paris is also going to be an opportunity to dialogue with the major players of the  industry, which will discuss about the current evolutions along with present and future  mobility trends.  

On March 16, VAIMOO will be one of the on-stage protagonists of the panel “e-Bike Sharing:  a resource for Public Transports” during which European transport operators such as  Deutsche Bahn and Jelbi will share their experiences with e-bike sharing services integrated  with public transport, in order to find common guidelines and best practice to face this  challenge.  On March 17, Matteo Pertosa – CEO & Founder of VAIMOO – will close the second and last  day with the speech ‘e-Bikes: a solution for Urban Transport & Logistics’ in occasion of which  will share his vision about the spreading of e-bikes, talking about how delivery companies and  sharing platforms can benefit from this evolution, keeping an eye on the future.

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